Water damage to your bathroom after a toilet overflows can be incredibly dirty and difficult to deal with. Only cleaning what the eye can see can lead to mold, mildew and an overall unhealthy environment to live with. The smell alone can be hard to get rid of if the clean up effort is not done in a thorough manner. How would you clean after toilet flooding? Some steps to take in assuring that the water damage clean up is successful are as follows.
Stop the overflow and observe the surroundings to see if there is any raw sewage on the floor or walls. If there is be certain to wear protective clothing such as waterproof boots, gloves, and possibly a mask to help alleviate any fumes being inhaled.
Find out the reason for the flooding. If you see any sewage it is probable that there is a clog in the pipes. This can be due to many things such as too much debris when there are leaky or cracked pipes or something as simple as an obstruction blocking the flow of water. If you cannot find the issue yourself you may have to call a plumber just to be sure.
You are going to need some sort of absorbent material to soak up the excess water. Once you have accomplished that, the chore of picking up any waste from the surrounding area is next. You can do this manually or with some sort of suction instrument that is specifically used for sewage. The latter is recommended if possible.
Disinfecting the floors and walls if need be should be done with a powerful detergent that is specific to the material you are cleaning. Bleach should also be used but make sure there is ventilation. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions on measurements and precautions. If you are dealing with rugs these should be taken out and properly cleaned due to sewage. Wall to wall carpet should really be replaced all together but if this is not possible the padding definitely does. Even then the carpet itself should be cleaned by a professional.
Use a dehumidifier to ensure that even the smallest amount of moisture remaining under the floors, behind the walls or in the grout is eliminated. This is very important so that any smells will not occur.
All of this needs to be done before you can think about replacing any materials or carpet.
Source by Mark Schafferman